Rehearsal For Murder
Adapted for the stage by D.D. Brooke
Based on the teleplay by Richard Levinson and William Link
September 26, 27, & 28, 2024
7:30pm at Brass 16823, Bellefonte, PA
The playwright turns on the stage work light and prepares for the first reading of his new play. The actors, producer, director and others connected with the show come onto the stage, and under their humorous (and utterly real) theatrical talk, tension grows. We discover that everyone connected with this play was involved with another play by the same playwright. At its opening night, exactly a year ago and in this same theatre, the beautiful leading lady, who was also the playwright's fiancée, was murdered! As these people start with the new play, startling connections to the murder begin to unfold. The growing tension reaches the boiling point with surprising revelations, countered by others even more surprising. The dazzling, yet basically logical twists build to a climax and solution that are theatrically stunning!
Alex Dennison.................................................KYLE STANLEY
Monica Welles...........................................STEFANIE AUSTIN
Lloyd Andrews..................................STEPHEN WILLIAMSON
Bella Lamb..................................................LYNN THEODOSE
Karen Daniels..................................................KIM PLUMMER
David Mathews.................................................CHRIS HIRSH*
Leo Gibbs.........................................................LUKE STREICH
Sally Bean...............................................MARGARET HIGGINS
Frank Heller..............................................ELI BEERS-ALTMAN
Ernie................................................................PHILLIP ZAPKIN
Loretta...........................................GABRIELLE J. ROSENDALE
Police Officer 1...................................WILLIAM BARKSDALE*
Police Officer 2............................................KENDRA ENGLISH
Mr. Santoro..................................................MERCER BRISTOW
Lieutenant McElroy.................................J LANCE WILKINSON
*Sock & Buskin debut
Production Team
Producer…..……………………..………………..............KARI WILLIAMSON
Director………...................................................STEFANIE AUSTIN
Stage Manager/Asst. Director....................MELISSA BRANNEN
Lighting/Sound Designer..................................NATHAN GLUNT
Light Technician..................................................LIZ FUHRMANN*
Spot Operator....................................................ZACHARY MYERS
Costume and Props……………….............GABRIELLE J ROSENDALE*
Stage Crew…………..............……….………GABRIELLE J ROSENDALE*,
Marketing/Content Creator………………………....…………….ANDI STOUT
House Managers........................................AMY SHRECKENGAST,
Photographer.......................................................GREG KIMMICH*
Graphic Designer................................................CAITLIN MELESKI
*First production role with Sock & Buskin

Meet The Cast

Kyle Stanley
Alex Dennison
Kyle is so excited to be putting on Rehearsal for Murder with this amazing cast and crew! Since discovering the stage in 2022, he has acted and worked on productions with SCCT (Dead Tuesday and Clue), and Sock & Buskin (86’ed; The Witching Hour; Sorry, Wrong Number; and Beginnings). Kyle hails from Vermont, and also lived in Maine and Massachusetts before moving to State College in 2020 to pursue a Statistics PhD. He would like to thank his friends and family for coming to see the show!

Stefanie Austin
Monica Welles | Director
Stefanie is the current President and a Founding Director of S&B, as well as a playwright, actor, director, and producer. Most recently, you may have seen her as Gwen in S&B’s Rapture, Blister, Burn (Jun.) or as production manager of S&B’s short play showcase (Jul.). In October, she will be performing in Wanted in the Wild, Wild West, an original interactive murder mystery party (which she, herself, penned.). In December, S&B will produce Cutthroat Christmas: Deadly Deals, which she co-wrote with Kari Williamson. As a playwright, she publishes murder mystery scripts through her business, Knock ‘Em Dead Scripts, and her scripts have been performed throughout the U.S. She thanks this wonderful, magnificent, awe-inspiring cast & crew for making this production a joy to direct, as well as her husband, Peter, and their two kids for their unwavering love and support.

Stephen Williamson
Lloyd Andrews
It’s Stephen’s second ever performance and first role with a named character. His first performance was “Homeowner” in Murder in the HOA. Most of Stephen’s free time is spent with family and sports. Shout out to his beautiful, talented, and supportive wife, Kari.

Lynn Theodose
Bella Lamb
This is Lynn’s fourth (and favorite!) production with Sock & Buskin. She is excited to work with this extremely talented ensemble and is having a blast bringing the wealthy and witty Bella Lamb to life! She continues to be inspired by the magic that occurs when a diverse cast of theatre lovers merge their passion and talent. Lynn extends her deepest love and gratitude to her loving husband, Mark, and their stinky dog, River, for taking care of each other while she’s been busy Rehearsing for Murder!! Enjoy the show, Darlings!!

Kim Plummer
Karen Daniels
Kim is excited to be performing with such a talented cast and crew. She is employed as the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations for Penn State Dickinson Law/School of International Affairs at Penn State University. She has appeared in many local theatre productions, most recently as Ursula in Much Ado About Nothing. Other stage credits include: Juror #6 in 12 Angry Jurors, Ma/Francesca in Go Wilder: Two One Act plays by Thornton Wilder, Mrs. Peacock in Clue: Onstage, Violet Newstead in 9 to 5: The Musical, Billie Dawn in Born Yesterday, Elvira in Blithe Spirit, Belinda Blair in Noises Off, and Gabriella in Boeing, Boeing. She wishes to thank her family for always supporting her love of theatre.

Chris Hirsh
David Mathews
Chris is making his Sock & Buskin debut as David Mathews (no relation), but he is not unfamiliar with the stage. He has been seen in many previous shows, such as Squid Ink Collective’s The Lightning Thief as Hades/Ares/Chiron/Kronos, FUSE’s Matilda as the Escapologist, and SCCT’s Hairspray as Corny Collins, along with several other FUSE and SCCT productions. He is happy to join the cast on their journey to solve this mystery and hopes you will enjoy the ride!

Luke Streich
Leo Gibbs
Luke Streich is grateful for the opportunity to perform with S&B again. As his day job, he works as a mail carrier with USPS in downtown State College. He is a compassionate, grateful father of two amazing children, Lukey and Leo, who both fill his heart with love and awe. When he saw the role of Leo Gibbs at auditions for Rehearsal For Murder and Beginnings, he knew he had to play it for his youngest son. Luke has appeared in a few other S&B productions. Slain At the Speakeasy: an Interactive Murder Mystery and two short plays in S&B's Beginnings showcase: Page One and Benefits of Murder. He also performs long form improv comedy and is a member of Happy Valley Improv Company at the Blue Brick Theatre in downtown State College.

Margaret Higgins
Sally Bean
Margaret is delighted to portray the starstruck Sally Bean. A community theatre veteran, this is Margaret’s second production with Sock & Buskin following the Beginnings short play showcase in July. In April, she appeared as Tillie in Honeymoon from Hell with SCCT. By day she is the Academic Advisor for music majors at Penn State and fosters cats for Centre County PAWS.

Eli Beers-Altman
Frank Heller
Eli is excited to perform in another murder mystery with Sock & Buskin after previously appearing in last year’s mystery The Mousetrap. More recently, Eli appeared in Beginnings: A Short Play Showcase. Eli also worked on crew for It’s a Wonderful Life and The Final Rose. When not acting, Eli spends his time watching and collecting films and spending time with his family and friends.

Phillip Zapkin
It’s Phillip Zapkin’s job to look after the place, Mr. Dennison…Having begun his S&B career roughly a year ago by directing The Mousetrap, Phillip has since acted in several smallish roles and directed another full-length play (Suite Surrender) as well as a couple of short plays in the Beginnings showcase–for which he also co-wrote The Benefits of Murder with Andi Stout (video available on YouTube). When Phillip isn’t Socking and Buskin’ing, he teaches writing at Penn State and works on his own scholarship, largely focused on dramatic literature.

Gabrielle J Rosendale
Loretta | Costumer, Props Master, Stage Crew
Gabby is thrilled to be back on stage with such a talented cast for her second show with Sock & Buskin, seen previously in Beginnings: A Short Play Showcase. Originally from southewestern Pennsylvania, she spent her childhood performing with a local musical theatre troupe, and participated in her high school drama club. Her favorite roles of the past include- Maddie in The Hundred Dresses, Ado Annie in Oklahoma, and Sister Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls. She is excited to not only be performing in this show but participating as a member of the stage crew. Thank you to each patron for supporting local arts, and she extends a special thanks to her husband, Chase, wonderful friends, and family.

William Barsdale
Police Officer 1
An infrequent regular to the State College theatre scene, this is Will’s first production with S&B. When not performing, Will works as a letter carrier in State College.

Kendra English
Police Officer 2
Kendra enjoys being in plays and working with Sock & Buskin. Most recently she was in Murder in the HOA and The Final Rose. When not tangling with the acting bug, she chills with her family. She also has been bitten by the stand-up comedy bug and hopes to work on that soon as well.

Mercer Bristow
Mr. Santoro
Recently retired from a 45-year career in philately, Mercer continues in therapy by performing in local theatrical presentations. He enjoys good comic characters with few lines to memorize.

J. Lance Wilkinson
Lieutenant McElroy
Lance Wilkinson is happy to tread the boards once again since returning to the stage in 2015. Prior appearances include Annie Get Your Gun, Gypsy, The Wedding Singer, 9 to 5: The Musical, Footloose, As You Like It, Murder Me Always, Murd-ARR!!! Pirates of the Salty Dog, Dead Tuesday, Clue on Stage, The Blitz Sisters, All My Murders, and Honeymoon From Hell, all with State College Community Theatre; A Man For All Seasons and Mama Mia! with Nittany Theatre; Cutthroat Christmas, The Final Rose, Moon Over Buffalo, and The Will To Kill with Sock & Buskin; and in several PSU Student Films. He also appeared in Jerry Sawyer's Arthur and Merlin, and Mary and Elizabeth: A Conversation. Thanks to Vija for indulging him yet again, and for the support from family and friends and the welcoming and growing State College theatre community.
Meet The Production Team
Melissa Brannen
Assistant Director, Stage Manager
Melissa is continuing to learn (and love) the off-stage aspects of theatre production after 18 years of being involved in community theatre as an actor. After kicking off the year onstage as Mrs. Osgood in Suite Surrender, she directed two plays in Sock & Buskin’s Beginnings short play showcase, which was one of her most rewarding theatre experiences to date. She’d like to thank the cast and crew of Rehearsal for Murder who have gone above and beyond from day 1, but especially wants to give props to Stefanie whose endless energy always keeps everything moving.
Liz Fuhrmann
Lighting Technician
When life gives you lemons... you run a light board? Liz's journey through this production has featured a lot of (literal) twists and turns. While she originally stepped in to fill the role of Monica, an injury forced her to step off stage (for now). She's excited for the opportunity to still assist a fantastic cast and crew in her first production role with Sock & Buskin. Liz is grateful to Stefanie, S&B, and everyone in RFM for their love and support. Please don't break legs - Have Fun & Don't Suck!
Kari Williamson
Producer, House Co-Manager
Kari serves on the board of directors for Sock & Buskin Theatre Company. She is excited to participate in this production as a producer. Kari recently served as stage manager for Rapture, Blister, Burn. In the past year, she has played the role of Athena Sinclair in Suite Surrender, Kathryn/Mary in It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, and Athena Grimore in The Witching Hour. When Kari isn’t working on a show, she can be found writing one. She is excited for Sock & Buskin to produce Cutthroat Christmas: Deadly Deals, a script she’s co-written with Stefanie Austin. She hopes you’ll come see it this December at Titan Hollow.
Nathan Glunt
Sound/Lighting Designer/Engineer
Nate has been involved in live sound ever since he was a teenager. From live stages, to small bars, to outdoor amphitheaters, he has helped set up audio equipment and mixed a variety of venues. He has served as sound/lighting designer on several of S&B’s shows. Nathan was born and raised in Altoona, PA. He moved closer to the State College area for work with AccuWeather designing and maintaining studios as an Engineer. Aside from live sound production, Nate is an avid musician always looking for gigs in the surrounding areas.
Zachary Myers
Spot Operator
Zach is a Ph.D. student in Educational Psychology and has had the opportunity to act in a number of shows with Sock & Buskin. His desperation for attention has consistently drawn him to the spotlight. He’s excited to achieve the pinnacle of this desperation with Rehearsal for Murder by serving as the spotlight operator.
Jace Beauton
Stage Crew
Jace is excited to be doing their second production with Sock and Buskin. Previously, Jace played the role of Carrie in S&B’s The Final Rose (Feb.), and coming up they will be stage managing S&B’s Cutthroat Christmas: Deadly Deals (Dec.).
Andi Stout
Marketing/Content Creator
Andi Stout is an Appalachian writer from West Virginia but lives in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. She earned her MFA at West Virginia University and holds multiple awards and publications in multiple genres. Andi enjoys using her writing skills to celebrate the accomplishments of her Sock & Buskin friends and family.
Thanks & Recognition
Business Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors ($500+)
Jared Ernico, REALTOR, ReMax Realty
Special Thanks
Brass 16823
Chris Kepler Audio Services
Daniel Skiles
Dolce Vita Desserts
Faith Centre Thrift Store
Hoag's Catering & Event Rentals
Nittany Mall
Seven Mountains Media
Front-of-house Volunteers
Mitchell Kling
Melissa Lopata
Heidi Cole
Adeline Aileo
Caroline Tseo
Laurel Sanchez
Elsa Sanchez
Coming up next from Sock & Buskin
Production Photos
Photos by Greg Kimmich