It's a Wonderful Life:
A Live Radio Play (Short Version)
Adapted by Joe Landry
Original Music and Musical Arrangements by Kevin Connors
December 9th & 10th, 2023
Bellefonte Springboard (Bellefonte, PA)
December 16th, 2023
Art Alliance of Central PA (Lemont, PA)
This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
with Behind The Scenes at WBFR pre-show
written by Kari Williamson and Nate Schierman
This production was also presented at Juniper Village on Wednesday, December 6 as a special private performance for its residents.
Character names are listed as preshow/main show
Harry/George...........................................NATE SCHIERMAN
Katherine/Mary........................................KARI WILLIAMSON
Frank/Clarence and others.......................GREGG BAPTISTA
James/Joseph, Potter, and others….............DANIEL SKILES
Richard/Bert, Billy, and others........................DAVID SMITH
June/Rose, Matilda, and others...................ANDREA BOITO
Bill/Harry and others...................................HAYDEN YODER
Helene/Violet and others..................................ADDY AILEO*
Bert/Freddie Filmore..................................PHILLIP ZAPKIN*
Betty/Stage Manager................................STEFANIE AUSTIN
*Sock & Buskin acting debut
Producers...........……..........STEFANIE AUSTIN, KARI WILLIAMSON
Director………………………........................................KARI WILLIAMSON
Asst. Director/Stage Manager............................ZACHARY MYERS
Foley Designer/Artist...............................................CHIP TAYLOR*
Asst. Stage Manager/Sound Technician......ELI BEERS-ALTMAN*
House Manager............................................AMY SHRECKENGAST
*First production role with Sock & Buskin
Meet The Cast & Production Team

Nate Schierman
I was just walking through the mall when a hand reached out and pulled me into the rehearsal space. I’ve been there ever since. Please send help!

Kari Williamson
Katherine/Mary | Director, Co-Producer
Kari is excited to participate in another Sock & Buskin Theatre production. This time Kari is directing and acting in It’s A Wonderful Life, a staged radio play. Kari was recently seen in The Witching Hour as Athena Grimore. She has also performed as Renee in Murder In The HOA, and Christy in Cutthroat Christmas. Kari also enjoys performing in the Sock & Buskin murder mystery parties at the Gamble Mill Speakeasy. She hopes you enjoy the show and wishes you happy holidays!

Gregg Baptista
Frank/Clarence and others
Gregg returned to theatre in 2021 after a long hiatus and helped launch Sock & Buskin Theatre Company in 2022 as a member of its board of directors. This year, he appeared as Pat in Sock & Buskin’s Murder in the HOA, and he was previously involved with several Sock & Buskin performances, both onstage and behind the scenes. Gregg works as a writer in development at Penn State in an office filled with talented and quirky coworkers, and he is excited to be a part of another year of live theatre with Sock & Buskin.

Daniel Skiles
James/Joseph, Potter, and others
Daniel Skiles will be performing in the role of Daniel Skiles, who will be performing in the role Daniel Skiles performing “Jake” who will be performing several roles, including Daniel Skiles.

David Smith
Richard/Bert, Billy, and others
Haw! David is excited to be included in bringing this timeless classic holiday show to life! He would like to thank all his friends and family that support his theater addiction, especially his Bears: Elliana, Mia, and Emily. All the Love!

Andrea Boito
June/Rose, Matilda, and others
Nicole is happy to return to the stage for her second Sock & Buskin performance and is especially pleased that she, her husband, Terry, and their four very loud dogs do not live in an HOA. When she isn’t trying to cajole her dogs into silence, Nicole is director of the Bellefonte FaithCentre and, along with her husband, is an owner/instructor at Summers Martial Arts—a World Tang Soo Do studio. Nicole loves all things canine and is particularly fond of her golden retriever, Winslow, and their daily hikes. She also watches a dis- concerting amount of true crime documentaries.

Hayden Yoder
Bill/Harry and others
Hayden is excited to be performing a timeless holiday classic, It’s A Wonderful Life! He recently graduated from Penn State with undergraduate degrees in Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics. Next September, he will be attending CLI Conservatory in Southampton, MA, for a dance training program meant to accelerate its students directly into a professional dance career. He wishes everyone a happy holiday season full of laughter and cheer!

Addy Aileo
Helene/Violet and others
Adeline (Addy) has volunteered on several S&B shows and participated in some script reading sessions, but she had yet to join a production cast. She is excited to be involved with It’s a Wonderful Life. She appeared in two murder mysteries with SCCT in 2022, as Lola Picard in Dead Tuesday and Miss. Heinspiele in A Murder Has Been Renounced. She was born and raised in France where she worked as a Sign Language interpreter, which led her to move to State College in 2013. She recently started a position in Research Administration as an Associate Coordinator in the College of Engineering at Penn State for the Post-Award team. She hopes to keep volunteering for S&B and maybe get another role in the future!

Phillip Zapkin
Bert/Freddie Filmore
Although he directed Sock & Buskin’s The Mousetrap, this is Phillip’s first acting role with the company. He is playing Bert in Kari and Nathan’s pre-show, and then reading Freddie Filmore in the main show. Phillip’s a bit of a Grinch when it comes to holiday schmaltz, but he is happy to bring some good cheer to audiences through the magic of theatre. Going forward, Phillip will be directing Suite Surrender in Sock & Buskin’s next season, so make sure to come check that show out in April 2024.

Stefanie Austin
Betty/Stage Manager | Co-Producer
Season’s greetings! Stefanie is the current President and a Founding Director of Sock & Buskin Theatre Company. Since 2014, Stefanie has held roles both on and off stage in a number of productions by SCCT, Nittany Theatre, and S&B. Just this year, she performed as Jane Warren in The Witching Hour (Oct), produced and designed the set for The Mousetrap (Sep), performed as Lindsey in Murder in the HOA (Jul), directed The Vagina Monologues (May) and Moon Over Buffalo (Apr), and performed as Maeve in 86’ed (Feb). She thanks her husband, Peter, and their two kids for their unwavering love and support, as well as the entire S&B community for another wonderful year of live theatre - 2023 is a “banner year!” She wishes all in attendance happy holidays & new year!

Chip Taylor
Foley Designer/Artist
Chip is co-Station Manager at WSOV in Penns Valley, so this type of production is right up his alley! This is his first production with Sock & Buskin in any capacity, and is very excited to be bringing the sounds of Bedford Falls to life!
Zachary Myers
Assist Director, Co-Stage Manager
Zach is excited to be working with Sock & Buskin again! Zach is a Ph.D. student in Educational Psychology from Cleveland, Ohio. He has been involved in a number of Sock & Buskin productions both acting and as a member of the crew. Zach is grateful for Sock & Buskin for creating such a welcoming community and is excited to be working with such a talented cast! He hopes you enjoy the show and have a good holiday season!
Eli Beers-Altman
Co-Stage Manager, Sound Technician
Eli is excited to be working with Sock & Buskin again, this time as crew. He would like to thank Stefanie and Kari for the opportunity to be involved in the retelling of such a beloved Christmas tale. Eli believes that just like George Bailey, a theater production would be very different if one of the cast or crew was never born, so he would like to thank every cast and crew member of this show and every audience member that comes to see it!
Amy Shreckengast
House Manager
Amy loves being a part of Sock & Buskin, and she has been a House Manager for several Sock & Buskin shows this year. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Thanks & Recognition
2023 Season Sponsors
Leading Sponsors ($1,000+)
ServiceMaster by Holobinko
Supporting Sponsors ($500+)
Jared Ernico, REALTOR, ReMax Realty
Featured Sponsors ($250+)
Plum Pristine Clean
Front-of-house Volunteers
Caroline Tseo
Peter Austin
Jed Groothuise
Alex Baptista
Nick Baptista
Robin Post
Stephen Williamson
Heidi Cole
Janejira Kalsmith